Wednesday 1 November 2017


Take My Hand Inspirations

Fruit of the Spirit Series

And the remnant who have escaped of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward (2 Kings 19:30 and Isaiah 37:31).

Remember from our last discussion (Blog #16), that you, being rooted and grounded in love . . . may be filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).

As you allow yourself to be watered daily in God’s nourishing Word, you will grow strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God [is] upon you (Luke 2:40) to mature and bear His FRUIT OF JOY because now He lives in you.

So let’s enjoy ourselves in this soul conversation.  What is joy?  The world defines joy as great happiness; and happiness is defined as a feeling, showing or causing pleasure or satisfaction.  The source of this joy appears to come from outside stimuli—a situation or event that occurs around you and eventually enters your heart to make you smile.

Don’t get me wrong.  Holding your high school or vocational school diploma or your first university degree certificate; or that first kiss on your wedding day; or watching your child forcing his or her first wobbly steps; or slowly swallowing a chocolate, vanilla and strawberry banana split with walnuts, rainbow sprinkles, chocolate syrup and cheery cherries on top on a hot summer day can bring joy unspeakable to the body and to the soul! 

But this kind of joy is stored in your short and then long term memory box, and must take effort to be consciously recalled, or remembered if not forgotten by other extraordinary events or outside circumstances (good or bad).   What makes us smile or laugh by what we see, hear, taste, touch or smell is temporary.  It won’t last long; and most often has to be replaced immediately, or else we fall into that deep pit of despair or depression, a terrible, lonely sadness.

That is why a lot of folks always need people around them, either to talk to or to talk about in the absence of those same people they need.  This transient emotion of happiness is based on what you get from outside of the inner you.


In Christ, the FRUIT OF JOY does not come from outside. Its source is from deep within . . . you. And it comes from God’s taproot—being rooted and grounded in love.

The FRUIT OF JOY of the Holy Spirit of God is one of the seeds planted in your heart, which over time, germinates into its maturity so that when the winds of worry, doubt, frustration or bitterness blow, you can temper it with the JOY OF THE LORD.  Study Nehemiah and allow his testimony to sink into the depth of your meditation (chapters 1-6).  After all the mocking and barrage of intentional indignities that Nehemiah and his team of devout builders endured during the re-building of Jerusalem’s wall by archenemies Sanballot, Tobias and their band of cruel cohorts, at the end of the day, the wall was completed (in record time), and Priest Ezra exhorted them: Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10c).

Nehemiah was minding his own business, busy doing the ordained work of the Lord with a peace-filled heart, loving his God and his people; and here come the haters.  This is the way it is, dear Christian.  Not everybody’s going to love you or admire what you’re doing for the Lord.  Even fellow Christians, based on their fruit’s level of maturity, can attack you with their eyes, words, and covetous callousness though they greet you with pithy praise and artificial appreciation. 

YOU MUST STAND STRONG IN THE JOY OF LORD FOR THIS JOY IS YOUR STRENGTH.  And this joy must mature from within your soul, watered by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit which guides you, covers you, uplifts you, and shows to all creation the beauty of His fruit, bearing its work in you revealed outwardly as a testimony, a witness, of how far you’ve come on your Christian journey.  And this FRUIT OF JOY can never come from outside of your soul; neither does it take conscious effort to be remembered because it stays moving in you pumping in your blood circulating all through your body always, ever-present, never-ending as long as the Holy Spirit lives in you.   

It magnifies from the inner, deepest part of you. It thrives from a contrite heart, a heart that does not possess any hardness or haughtiness, but is open to being re-molded and re-formed by the Potter on His wheel. It may take years for this fruit to push its way through all the multiple layers of your years of agonizing pain, but if you allow it to, the fruit of joy will burst out as a great explosion from a place you never knew it was. 

And the pangs of rejection, regret, resignation, and pure anger, bitterness, and depression will never sting you as it did prior to the maturity of the FRUIT OF JOY.  You will feel “different” when people talk about you, accuse you, or just get on your nerves while you hold nothing in your soul against anyone. 

That “different” is called JOY—a still calmness that elicits a great peace, a humbling acknowledgement that it is God who grew this in you, because you no longer fret over the works of evil-doings.  Instead, you seek with all your might to forgive the transgressions thrown at you; and when you find you can’t forgive, you turn the whole matter over to the Lord and wait patiently for Him to work it out; as you continue loving Him and yourself and  that same person trying to steal your joy. 

Then when the Lord vindicates you, by showing to those attacking you how wrong they were about who you are and the work you do, that’s when you “eat” the purity of that fruit’s sweetness.  Jesus endured all the attacks and accusations all the way to the cross and even hanging between two conniving criminals on the cross.  Yet, minutes before He took His last earthly breaths, one of those contentious criminals finally realized who Jesus was and humbly pleaded for salvation.

Vindication is to prove that what someone said or did was right or true, after other people thought it was wrong.  And the FRUIT OF JOY is fulfilled in the Lord’s vindication of you.  You can’t vindicate yourself, though we constantly try to prove how right we are to others all the time.  But when God—the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit—opens His mouth and moves His hand in your matters  . . . He will turn your enemies’ reproach on their own heads. In other words, back to sender!

May all those who falsified your character, and who tried to damage your dignity and renounce your reputation while you were on the potter’s wheel, being re-born and re-shaped into the image of Christ Jesus, be put to shame as the Lord vindicates and validates, you--in Jesus’ Name.

Keep on, dear Christian, bearing your FRUIT OF UNSPEAKABLE JOY.  After overcoming the layers of trauma, trial and troubles, ENJOY! (And don’t you dare feel “bad” about it!).

© 2017 by Take My Hand Inspirations, a division of PepParadise Society Ltd Publishers.  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Most of the Artwork selected is retrieved from “Black Art” search engine.

Take My Hand Inspirations