Sunday 29 September 2019

49: It's Time to S--T--R--E--T--C--H!

Take My Hand Inspirations

Stretch has several different meanings:

1) (verb-action) to go as far as or beyond the usual limit;
2) (verb-action) to spread over a large area or distance;
3) (noun-something) a continuous period of time.

All these meanings add up to one thing: pushing yourself beyond what you normally say, think or do into saying, thinking or doing it differently, but in a better way with more souls over a period of your lifetime.

As humans, we are creatures of habit.  Once a habit—a routine pattern of actions—is established in one’s life, especially a bad one, it’s very hard to break it unless a hammer comes crashing down on it and shatters all your sensibilities waking them up to what’s really going on around you.

Take Stanley for instance, a guy of 22 years who, by nature, is happy-go-lucky.  Nothing really bothers him.  He’s easily forgiving; overlooks offenses, even apologizes first when he’s not wrong—a peaceful, well-mannered brother everyone loves to hang around.  But one day, he lost it, and killed his best friend.  Now, locked away in prison, another dear friend visited and asked: “So what happened, dude; didn’t take you for the violent type?”  Stanley stared absently with no remorse into his buddy’s empathetic eyes and simply said: “He touched my girlfriend.”  “What do you mean by ‘touched’? Did he rape her?” “She was not his, but mine.  He had no right to take what’s mine.” “What did she have to say about it?” Silence.

Stanley was a creature of a bad habit.  As long as things were going well for him in terms of relationships, he could thrive as a person who seemed pleasant and fun-loving.  But the instant the slightest rejection presented itself—the girl he loved actually not loving him but loving someone else—it broke something in him.  So he snapped.  We all have our breaking points, that end where all you know is tested and you must make a clear decision—either accept the change that is coming and find a way to adjust to it; or to simply break into pieces, fall apart.

This is the State of Adolescence today.  Today’s youth between the ages of 10 and 30 years are so stretched in the wrong direction, that their choices are causing them to break into pieces as they try to establish their identity and where they “fit” in their microcosm (small) social groups while facing the blaring ideologies of their parents and grandparents, both liberal and conservative.  And the bridge over which youth and elders communicate has turned into a cracked chasm where neither the youth nor their elders—parents and grandparents and other older generational mentors--can talk to each other.

The Results are Devastating.  It appears that statistics out there concern American or European youth, but African youth are equally troubled with their own statistics of suicides, teen pregnancies and abortions, alcohol and drug abuse, poverty, prostitution, armed-robbery and identity issues creating a whole “secret” gay and transgender community whose members end up committing suicide due to lack of counseling and care by concerned elders they themselves reject and refuse to listen to.  For lack of knowledge and for lack of hope, our youth are perishing.                 


Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good (Genesis 1:31).

Creation is an action propelled (fueled) by vision using the tools of mind (thought), word (Let there be), and hands (picking, sewing, nailing, molding, and shaping).  Our Creator God used all these tools—His mind, His word, even His hands—to bring forth you and me and everything natural we see.

Good and goodness have so many different definitions.  Both can be described as a condition of the quality of something (very satisfactory, of high quality, pleasant, interesting).  It can also be used to express how morally right a person is by religious principles (i.e., setting a good example for children). It also conveys the status of our health (to be in good health).  It can also emphasis a large number, amount or level of something (a good-sized crowd, a good chance of something happening, or having a good day).

Lastly, goodness can be an exclamation of graciousness (thankfulness) or surprise at how well something has turned out.

It’s time elders stretch beyond their comfort zone and become a mentor to our youth, even if it’s just one.  It’s also time for the youth to stop running away from elders who genuinely love them and sit down and tell at least one elder how they feel and work together to find godly solutions to their problems.


Let’s get into the GOOD HABIT OF SHARING GOD’S LOVING WORD which shouts to the youth how good they are.

are conversations  involving Youth and “Parents”.  We must take time to examine and heal our own souls to be able to bring other souls with us to our heavenly home. This requires talking to each other in a teachable environment: the church, school, community at home; or wherever you find yourselves together.

In each series, there are 10 lessons, or conversations, for parents, teachers, mentors and leaders prepared by the Holy Spirit to talk with the children and teens they care about.  Each series is designed for a group of 10 participants.  At the end of the Steps to Salvation and Armor of God series, a certificate is available for our young people to graduate onto the next series.  The Fruit of the Spirit series includes colouring pages for a group of 10 participants. 

At the end of the Fruit of the Spirit series, the participants perform in a choreography or drama to demonstrate how to bear and use these fruits in our daily lives.  Training is available upon request for each series.  We can come to your church, school, club or community to train Adults who want to train up Children and Teens in the way they should go .... (Proverbs 22:6).  

To purchase your series and to schedule training, call or whatsapp us at +233-(0)54-763-0369; email:; or visit Take My Hand Inspirations on Facebook @preciouslordleadme.

What does every person that comes in contact with you take away with them after they have left your presence?  Did you make that person—small or big, young or old, Black or White, rich or poor, etc.—feel or become better?  If yes, your Fruit of Goodness is singing a song of sunshine.

But if a person feels worse after leaving your presence, take a time out! Forgive yourself for troubling their soul with your personal trauma or insulting or ignoring them or violating their integrity or rights in some way.  Forgive yourself and try harder—STRETCH--again the next time or with the next person.  Oh, learn this lesson quickly, Dear Christian.  Christ is coming soon!

The Fruit of Goodness is brought forth by your words.  What you think about yourself are your silent words privately talking to you. And Satan goes to war in the silent zone. Be careful! What you say about yourself are your spoken words talking about you, describing who you are.  And the principalities (Satanic elements) in the air will snatch those words and make them a reality in your life.  Be careful!

So right now take one child or teen and with him or her together proclaim: I am gorgeous.  I am a very good creation of Almighty God.  As the Trinity God is alive in me, I hold the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in my soul—and we are bold and beautiful!  Watch out world, I am coming to shine!  Satan, move out of my way!  My Fruit of Goodness is busting loose and bursting out!  It shall follow me all the days of my life.  And it tastes so good!

Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! (Psalm 34:8).

© 2019 by Take My Hand Inspirations, a division of PepParadise Society Ltd Publishers.  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Take My Hand Inspirations