Monday 22 June 2020

60: Take Possession of the Promises of Your Father (Dedicated to all good fathers: Every day is Father’s Day!)

Wellness Series

This series is dubbed Wellness because we are going to sink deep (like a well) into issues, draw out the root cause, destroy those roots, replant and grow up well, another keyword which simply means healthy.

From the previous blogs we have discussed two indicators (or signs) of a soul living in wellness:

1. Health is knowing what your real needs are and how to get them met.
2. Health is knowing how to create and cultivate close relationships with others.

Today we shall tackle: Health is responding to challenges in life as opportunities to grow in strength (faith) and maturity, rather than feeling like a ‘victim’ beset by “problems” 1.

We are all experiencing the influence of COVID-19 right now. That “influence” can look like a “problem”; and it may appear that we are the helpless ‘victims’ subjugated to its power. 

When the ten Israelite spies were sent to the Promised Land to check out the people whom they were charged to conquer, eight came back to report how they themselves appeared like ‘grasshoppers’ in their own sight and in the sight of the Anakite ‘giants’ (Numbers 13:32-33).  Yet, two of the spies boldly stood firm in faith and affirmed, Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it (Numbers 13:30).

Not all of us have the gumption to grab the proverbial ‘bull’ by the horns.  Eighty percent of the Israelite spies were gripped by fear—that crippling tool of Satan to stop the progress of anyone who has a dream of living in a land flowing with milk and honey with fruit so succulent and abundant.  That ‘land’ is your soul.  That ‘fruit’ is your wellness.  What makes you afraid to accepting the promises of God, dear Christian?

He promises you good success in Joshua 1. He promises you long life in Psalm 91.  He promises you healing, peace, and abundance in Isaiah 53-55.  And He confirms those promises again in the New Testament with the shedding of Jesus’ blood on Calvary.  What more evidence do you need to believe that God loves you and that His thoughts are only focused on providing the best for you? 

Live your dream, your life’s purpose now. Yes, in the midst of COVID-19, dare to take possession of what matters most to you. 


Winning the race | Heidrick & Struggles
Winning the Race by Heidrick & Struggles

No matter where you’ve come from, what you’ve done, or who you think you are in sight of yourself or others, our Heavenly Father, God sees you as a marvelous creation in His image!  Any good Father wants the best for His children.  You are saved, therefore, made right with God, Our Father, and He yearns to perfect everything in your life (Psalm 138:8).  But you must have the faith, the belief that, once you put your trust in Him, HE + me—we—are well able to overcome any problem.

Are you willing to let go, and let God move in this COVID-19 situation right now?  You are not alone. You are not a victim.  God listens and hears the prayers of His children (Revelation 5:8b).  Get on your knees, stretch out on the floor, clap, shout, sing, do whatever you do to call on the name of the Lord in prayer; and, in supplication, tell God what you desire to happen right now! 

When we talk with God, do we not close our eyes?  We do that so that we stop subjugating our souls to our own sight and to the sight of others.  When we close our eyes in prayer, we release our trust in our Father to look at us with His eyes and you are the apple of His eye (Zechariah 2:8b).

Power in Prayer' Childrens Teaching Series • MinistryArk
by Ministry Ark

Yes, COVID-19 is a problem, a giant global pandemic that challenges us to grow strong in faith and in maturity.  You know what you need and how to get those needs met. You can create and cultivate close positive relationships with yourself and others.  It’s now time to closely follow prevention protocol, to be strong in faith, and respond to this ‘giant’ with prayer power!  

 My Father + me—we—are well able to overcome it!

Finish First! - Magnetic Leaders
Finish First! by Magnetic Leaders

© 2020 by Patience Osei-Anyamesem. All rights reserved.  Published by The Liight In Me Enterprise.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews or other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Paintings of fathers retrieved from Black Art search engine.

1.     From Travis, J. (1977). The Wellness Workbook. Mill Valley, CA, USA: Wellness Resource Center.

Take My Hand Inspirations