Monday 2 July 2018

28: SELF-CONTROL: Bearing It in the Midst of the Battle – Part 2

Take My Hand Inspirations

Fruit of the Spirit Series
SELF-CONTROL: Bearing It in the Midst of the Battle – Part 2

What is the Battle?  With the full blast and bombardment of secular media depicting what it thinks is the “right way” to live (“success), it has left our youth confused and their decisions catastrophic—bold with no fear and trembling for their salvation.

The battle is called DISODEDIENCE and it courses (flows) through 1. The flesh (body) wanting to feel good; 2. The soul wanting to be praised for following corrupt company and ideals; and 3. The spirit of perdition which made Eve, then Adam, eat the “forbidden” fruit.

The Battle manifests:

1.     SEXUALLY—Almost every movie (film), podcast and t.v. program distorts and dilutes God’s original natural one man-one woman relationship by glamorizing romantic love between two women or two men; or one man with multiple females; or one woman with multiple male partners; or single men and women masturbating with “sex toys”; all in an unbridled effort to force our youth to “taste the forbidden” and get hooked on it. 

Homosexually is the same as promiscuity/prostitution and masturbation.  All sexual immorality is driven by a spirit of total disobedience to the will of God for your life.  Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?(1 Corinthians 3:16). When you were born, you breathed in and out from God’s Holy Spirit. If you are engaging in lesbianism or homosexuality, promiscuity/prostitution and masturbation, take a time out and ask yourself if the reason has anything to do with the above three courses through which disobedience flows.  As already noted, homosexuality is a spirit of perdition, and so are its cohorts, promiscuity, prostitution and masturbation. GOD ALWAYS LOVES YOU. THAT’S WHY JESUS DIED FOR YOU.  IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO REPENT, ASK FORGIVENESS AND START OVER AGAIN AS A NEW CREATION FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT (2 Corinthians 5:17).  Let’s identify Satan’s carnal weapons here: music, pornography, rejection.

2.     PSYCHOLOGICALLY—The secular media bellows to dark-complexioned people all over the world that, “You aren’t good enough!”, as it depicts the white or fair-skinned woman with long stringy hair as its epitome of beauty and the white man as the paramount image of wealth and intelligence.  WHAT A LIE!  I personally came into this world with, “BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL” stamped all over my gorgeous self.  And wealth and intelligence?  Many of the greatest inventions came out of Black minds (though patents were given to white hands); and globally, many of the richest people come out of Black Africa and Black America.  DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE!  Satan’s carnal weapons here: fear in the form of insecurity; cancer-causing skin-lightening drugs, lotions, pomades as well as real human hair wigs and weave-ons.

3.     EMOTIONALLY—We have discussed that our soul is a combination of mind (psyche: how we think) and emotions, how we feel.  The way in which our emotions are attacked and murdered through social media is phenomenal.  The arsenal blown at us constantly is, “Are you acceptable to fit into my group?” and “Can you compete with me and produce anything better than me?”  And the person of darker colour is inwardly yearning to be accepted, to be one with, condescending unappreciating white people!  Let’s check ourselves, people.  White is also a colour, not an idol.  Must we continue idolizing a group of people based on one singular hue?

People of warmer hues sell their integrity to “fit in” to the white man’s societies (lodges, fraternities/sororities, clubs, associations).  They seek approval from men who cannot save the soul, but can only manipulate the mind and control the body to be in his right place at the right time to get his crumbs called your reward of “partnership”. 

People of darker tones, do you not see your own potential to create your own successful businesses and products and form your own network which has power to “approve” white membership? 

Africa (especially West Africa) has the greatest natural wealth on earth, yet accepts the label “Heavily Indebted Poor Country” (HIPC)  and still imports chocolates, baby food (?!), matches and a plethora of other commonly used manufactured and agricultural goods that it could easily produce in-country. 

The devil’s devilish plan is to divide your soul, dear Christian.  When your mind (psychologically) and your emotions are not united to control your choices, you become double-minded, giving up your capability to make right choices (which include living with integrity, productivity and in abundance) in obedience to God’s will. 

The devil can never take from you what God has given you.  He only deceives you into giving up your power over to him. (Read Psalm 119:113; James 1:7-8; James 4:8).  The carnal Satanic weapons here are false media advertisements, groups and platforms intended to devalue your capability; and economic embargoes on imports and exports (via a “world” bank and other such economic “international” monetary funds).

The Battle is Global

The devil has most phenomenally deceived humanity by placing a concept called enemyinto the most obvious carnal things about us—our skin and its various hues and tones; our ethnicity or tribe and physical paper called money—so that, globally, the battle looks like Black versus White; nationally, it’s the Group of 7 (G7) (developed) versus the Group of 77(G77) (developing) versus all other nations (G37—“hipc”); locally, it’s one tribe versus the other tribe (“ethnic cleansing”); and socially, it’s rich versus poor. 
Fear is defeated. Take its power!

And within these small wars, ferocious hatred has spawned and more than enough innocent blood has been and still is illegally shed.  This battle has created two very distinct groups of people: those with an INFERIORITY COMPLEX—powerless robotic toys always played in the devil’s hands—and those with a SUPERIORITY COMPLEX—false supercilious pride prepared for a great fall.  

WHAT A CARNAL DECEPTION! O Belligerent Beelzebub, man has, in multitudes, murderously fallen for it!  And homicides, suicides and floods of innocent blood spillage still goes on today; only, this time, you’ve deadened our tools, our capability, to think and fight back by drowning our cells in sacrilegious dosages of sugary snacks and ostensible “genetically-modified” food and hyper-addictive drugs and alcohol.

IS THE BATTLE REALLY ABOUT SKIN COLOUR, ETHNIC APPEARANCE OR SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS when God made us all in His own image?: Red and Yellow, Black and White; we are precious in His sight.  Jesus loves the little children [humanity] of His world.
To bear the Fruit of Self-Control, you must find ways to love your neighbor as you love yourself.  The mightiest spiritual weapon of God is Love: You must first love yourself (THE JESUS IN YOU) before you can love every other human being, especially when that human being hates himself and you. Read Matthew 5:43-48.



Does love have a colour?  What is the colour of love?  Does love have a price?  How much does love cost?  WHEN CHRISTIANS DECIDE TO TAKE BACK THE CONTROL WE WERE BORN WITH, THE DEVIL’S DEVICES USED TO DECEIVE US WOULD BE RENDERED POWERLESS.

In CHRIST JESUS: There is no evil in our skin colours; there is no evil in money or in the financial institutions which regulate it; there is no evil in media, nor is there evil in the international marketplace.  And, especially, marital sex is never evil, but the most godly human relationship on earth! ACTS 17:6 - WHEN CHRISTIANS TAKE CONTROL OF THESE CARNAL DEVICES, WE SHALL TURN THE WORLD RIGHT-SIDE UP.

© 2018 by Take My Hand Inspirations, a division of PepParadise Society Ltd Publishers.  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Most of the paintings selected are retrieved from “Black Art” search engine.

Take My Hand Inspirations

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