Monday 27 August 2018

31: HELL IS REAL: Prayer of Salvation

Take My Hand Inspirations

HELL IS REAL: Prayer of Salvation

Let’s stop sugar-coating Christianity.  To coat something with sugar means to make it so sweet that you can’t identify the danger in it.  It’s sweet to the five senses we earthly mortals possess—sweet to the ear, sweet to the eyes, sweet to the tongue, nose and to the touch on the body.  Oh Lord, break us out from the addiction this sweetener has over our lives!
We love to hear: “Oh, no, child, God is not like that.  He is a loving Father, and would never punish us.”
We love to see that which gives pleasure to our sexual instincts—the nakedness of the human body.
We love to taste—exactly, what are we putting into our mouths today?  Have you examined the cleanliness or filthiness that you voluntarily put into your mouth these days?
We love to smell that fragrance of flowers and sunshine and laughter.  Is that fragrance the aroma of pure Christianity; or the stench of sex without marriage or sex outside of your marriage or sex with the same sex? Or is it the odour of a foul mouth with vulgar jokes?  Wow!
And, we love to touch . . .  . ?!?!


SIN is anything or anyone or any action, thought or word that goes against the beautiful everything that God planned for you when you were born.

And SIN can never, ever be sugar-coated.  It is the nastiest, most bitter sensation that we feel; and we feel it so strongly that we add more sugar on top of it to keep us from vomiting on ourselves.  That vomit is called shame; that’s what sin brings to the table of our lives: shame seasoned with pain, grief, guilt, heartache and stress.  The sugar we top it with are the lies we tell ourselves about God—most often scapegoating our Creator and Father for the shame.  We blame God for the troubles we face, ignoring (sugar-coating) the fact that it’s OUR CHOICES THAT PUT US WHERE WE ARE RIGHT NOW.

Let’s stop lying to ourselves and comprehend fully that HELL IS REAL (Revelation 20:11-15).SALVATION IS REAL (Revelation 22:12-21).  Now you have a choice to make acknowledging that once you leave this earthly body, your spiritual body, your soul, is going to be in a place for eternity, forever, never dying again, but living always.  Where do you want your soul to live for the rest of your life?  IF YOU CHOOSE HEAVEN, THEN PRAY THIS PRAYER OF SALVATION RIGHT NOW.
Men of every age, PRAY!

Dear Jesus,
(You are calling on God, the Father, through His Son, Jesus, whom He sacrificed on the cross to redeem you from the clutches of satan.)
I know that I’m a sinner. 
(You have made choices that do not reflect God’s beautiful and productive plan for your life.)
I’ve made bad choices. 
(Deep down into the depths of our soul we know or sense when our choices are wrong—not right with God.)
I am sorry and ask for the forgiveness that You freely offer. 
Women of every age, PRAY!
(Your forgiveness was not free.  It was paid with the blood of Jesus.  When you repent and ask forgiveness, you are promising God that you will never crucify Jesus again with the choices you make today and will make tomorrow and He is freely offering to trust you to keep your promise.)
I believe that you died on the cross to pay for my sin,
(Think clearly about that overwhelming pain staking position Christ put himself in for you.  Who else could die for you in such a shameful way, to take away your shame?)
but that You rose again on the third day proving your power to conquer the grave and cover all my sin. 
(Because Jesus resurrected, the devil is defeated in the life of a true believer; and all your sinful past is blotted out, erased from the memory of God.  He gives you a second chance at life, a chance to start afresh in how you make your choices.)
Let us pray for our children!
Give me the gift of your Holy Spirit, and help me live my life according to Your ways so that I may look forward to a future filled with hope and eternal life spent with You. 
(You are aware that our earthly bodies cannot overcome the powers of darkness thatsatan attacks the believer.  Instead, we must be filled with God’s Holy Spirit which has all power to stop the work of the devil against our journey toward heaven.)
In Jesus’ name,
(Philippians 2:5-11: At the mention of Jesus’ name, the devil and his host of demons tremble, fall, and flee away from the repented born-again Christian—YOU.)
(It is done—You are now a child of God, an heir to the Kingdom, saved and   sanctified, washed from sin and clean in Christ!)

CONGRATULATIONS.  You have received membership into the greatest Kingdom of all—the joy of the Heavenly Host.  You are welcome.  To stay a member of this grand institution, you must breathe the air of prayer through study of God’s Word; and daily strive to become the image of Christ in fellowship with other true believers also striving to maintain our salvation.  IT IS NOT ONCE SAVED, FOREVER SAVED.Everyday, we must work out our salvation with the fear of God knowing that satan is mad at losing your soul and seeking to get you back through one sense or another.  Take My Hand and stay connected to this blog and the blogs that follow as we travel together toward our heavenly mansion.

© 2018 by Take My Hand Inspirations, a division of PepParadise Society Ltd Publishers.  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Most of the paintings selected is retrieved from “Black Art” search engine.

Take My Hand Inspirations

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