Friday 8 March 2019

45: Helmet of Salvation

Take My Hand Inspirations

And take the helmet of salvation . . . (Ephesians 6:17a).

In my Salvations Series, we journeyed through the seven steps and concluded with a prayer of salvation to seal our commitment to God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Salvation Step 6 has given you that blessed assurance that you are saved, and the 7th is to fire you up to step out into your own “Jerusalem” and tell others about Christ by simply sharing your own salvation story—what you were doing before you were saved; how you made the choice to take the seven steps to salvation; and how you are living now as a born again child of the Living God.  And, guess what?  Step 7 never ends while you dwell on earth.

Apostle Paul was an ordinary man like you and me who struggled with personal issues which rendered him soliloquizing: For what I am doing, I do not understand.  For what I will to do, that I do not; but what I hate, that I do (Romans 7:15).  That’s why he later admonished us in Philippians 2:12b to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

Being born again and saved into the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ should not make us become complacent Christians—pleased to be accepted into His Kingdom thinking we hold a lifetime membership card.  Apostle Paul certainly made it clear that there are one or two (or more for some of us) issues we still have to work out after taking step seven unto salvation.  That struggle with addiction—be it chemical (drinking, smoking, inhaling, injecting, chewing); or emotional (insecurity, bitterness, jealousy, anger); or spiritual (plagued by the demons of your past which seem uneasy to shake off)—must be loosed, bound and burned by Holy
Spirit fire.

Understand this principle: It is a miracle which brings us into the Kingdom of Heaven; it is a commitment to stay in the Kingdom of Heaven.  IT IS NOT ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED.  I asked you before: Can a Christian who does not obey the very reason for why Christ died, be given God’s Armor?  Can a cold (disobedient) or lukewarm (complacent, apathetic) Christian be entrusted with the Holy Spirit’s fire-hot weapons of warfare?

Turning back to a world of secret sin is turning your back on Christ Jesus.  To be committed to the Kingdom of Heaven, we must steadfastly guard our salvation in the fear of losing it to worldly pleasures and with trembling—in this case, with a cautious outlook at what is going on around us that could lead us into devil-devised temptations that are too hard or impossible to come out of.

And they overcame him [the wiles of the devil] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death (Rev. 12:11).

This means that times are not always going to be full of sunshine.  As far as the devil gives woe to the inhabitants on earth because he has great wrath knowing his time is coming for eternal lock down, there will be rains of pains.  The battle never ends in spiritual warfare.  That’s why your faith, your belief in the power of the Blood of Jesus and His Resurrection, must be your SHIELD. 

The devil is very well armed, very well prepared and very well planned.  He observes every weakness we have to use to his advantage to make us give up our salvation, just as Esau gave up his birthright to his twin brother Jacob just because he was hungry.  The devil can wet our appetites, making us give up our birthrights as children of God, to satisfy our hunger for complacency (Read Rev. Peter Osei Anyamesem’s blog: Complacent Christianity at  Once we exchange our birthrights, giving up our membership in the Kingdom of Heaven (and eternal life), we become members of the Kingdom of Hell (meeting our spiritual death).

I had a terrible time trying so hard to figure out a way to get my daughter into a tertiary institution by the deadline given—Monday, February 25th.  I looked for financial assistance from so many sources; it seemed like the devil was laughing at me while making me look like a beggar.  But I was like the widow that kept going to the judge to collect her property of land due her.  I asked; I sought; I knocked on every door I could find.  Then my sister and my encourager in the Lord said, “Sister Pat, remember Philippians 4:6, 7 and 19).  It is very well.” 

You see, all of us struggle with issues.  So every night, I got down on my knees and prayed like Hanna for a baby.  I gave everything to God in prayer with supplication and thanksgiving.  And that’s when I wrote the Blog: Shield of Faith.  I was stepping out on faith for a miracle; and God was speaking to me through that message I shared with you.

Well, Friday the 22nd came; and I knew I had to have that money in the tertiary institution’s bank account.  No money.  On Saturday, the 23rd as banks were open, I woke up at dawn and headed for the bank not knowing how or where the money would come.  Just got up and went to town.  What else could I do?  Give up and cry as I look into my daughter’s disappointed eyes?  At around 9 o’clock a.m., I got a call: “Sis. Pat, I came into some money and I will send it to you soon.  I told you that it is very well!”  MY TESTIMONY came in due time.  By 12 noon, a deposit was made into the institution’s account and, with the contributions of my praying father and mother and my dearest brothers and sisters in the Lord, we were on our way to purchasing items listed on the prospectus! 

During my time of trial, I could have made a decision to give up on God; go into the world in misery asking myself: “Why did God abandon me?  He didn’t come through for me when I needed Him.”  A once save and sanctified, but now backslidden Christian brother told me, “My sister, when I needed God the most, I didn’t get a testimony like yours, so I left Him.”  He gave up his birthright to the Kingdom of Heaven because he felt God did not come through for him at the “eleventh hour”.

God came through for me.  Am I any more special than any other Christian?  I don’t know; but I do know that I made a promise to God at the time I was saved that I would commit 100% to the Great Commission He entrusts to all Christians.  I promised Him that I would give my life to Him in full service; and for almost 20 years now, I have not doubted or been double-minded about the power of God working in my life and in the lives of the 1000s of children He’s put into my care.  To go back to the Kingdom of Hell was not and is not  an option for me.  Yes, every day I work out my salvation with fear and trembling. 

And my testimony is sure. Yet, I also felt the pain of parents wanting the best for their children, but meeting financial barriers due to life in the rural villages of Africa, where there are plenty of brilliant pupils and students, but lack of financial strength to meet school fees and tuition.  And I made another promise to God called Gifts Promised (to be shared with you in a future blog).

The HELMET is the most essential piece of a soldier’s armor.  It protects your thoughts which create how you imagine daily events and people in your life: rose-coloured or dark (Read Blog: Shoes of Preparation).  The weapon is SALVATION.

You must stay focused on your own salvation and on winning the salvation of lost and backslidden souls in your “Jerusalem”.  Now look at yourself in your Armor of God.  With the Helmet and with the Shoes, He’s got you completely covered in His Salvation.

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation . . . (Isaiah 52:7).


© 2019 by Take My Hand Inspirations, a division of PepParadise Society Ltd Publishers.  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Most of the paintings selected for Take My Hand Inspirations are retrieved from “Black Art” search engine.

Take My Hand Inspirations

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