Sunday 22 March 2020


Take My Hand Inspirations

There comes a time in life when you declare: “Enough is enough!”  Then you get up and do something about it.  Because, if you don’t do something, it just won’t get done; and you’ll be sitting around complaining until no one wants to be around you.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord” (Isaiah 61:1-2 and also read verse 3).

Those who are called by the Lord to go out, we are known as the sent ones.  We are given the Spirit of power, and of love and of sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7) because we know that the anointing we have received for this job will be met by strong opposition: spiritually, emotionally and physically, especially through financial blockage.  Lord help us! 

When Jesus sent out the 70, they came back marveled by the miracles done in His name. Jesus understood their joy which confirmed their faith, but He also cautioned them that: “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.  Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven” (Read Luke 10:17-20).

Satan is a roaring lion ever and always ready to kill, steal and destroy what God has created—the human body and the human soul.  The body is easy to destroy for Satan, but the soul part of us is his challenge.  In what ways Satan can destroy the soul? 

The answer to this very question is what God, our Father, and Rev. Peter Osei Akwasi Anyamesem, my late father, have empowered and equipped me to do.  This is my very mission as part of the Great Commission given to all believers by Jesus Christ to get up and do—to preach, to heal, to set the captives free as I lead them to see who Jesus is.  Take My Hand Inspirations Mission is the teaching-evangelizing call I have been given to go out and reach children and teens through Real Talk.  Lord, raise up divine helpers for Real Talk!

REAL TALK TEACHING TRACTS are designed for elders, the Mentors—pastors, parents, teachers, community leaders—to talk one-on-one and face-to-face with our young people from the rural villages to the high-speed cities of Ghana, West Africa, then the whole of Africa, then the whole world, who have so many questions about their specific life’s issues. "REAL TALK" means to talk about issues real to our youth today concerning sexuality, gender inequalities, what friends to make, even how to dress to express their real identity. And these conversations are to be facilitated in THE CHILDREN’S CHURCH. It’s time we, the elders, become the face of guidance for our youth and not negative social media and inexperienced peer influence.  (It is acknowledged that there is positive social media and well-intentioned peer influence, yet both are being booted by Satan’s weapons of warfare).

These tracts are designed into Series to be printed on a 6-month cyclical scheme.  For example, Steps to Salvation Series is now on the market from January to June.  The Armor of God Series is scheduled to be printed for the July-December 6-month cycle. REAL TALKis meant to transform lives of children and teens during CHILDREN’S CHURCH SERVICE as they are CHILDREN’S CHURCH MATERIALS; and by no means a substitute to Sunday School materials.  In fact, we provide a whole training program designed in structuring the Children’s Church’s Order of Service, thereby endorsing our mission with this proposition: “Multiplying Our Children’s Churches with Real Talk!”

This work is commissioned to snatch our children out of Satan’s grip with Steps to Salvation series; to produce an army of spiritual warfare fighters with Armor of God series; to equip future generations with Holy Spirit power with Fruit of the Spirit series; and to add a new series every six months for our children to live Biblically and closely with older Christian people in their lives. Each series includes 10 lessons (or conversations for the soul part of us) for a group of ten youth with a certificate of completion and a graduation program (optional) onto the next series.  Some Series come with colouring sheets to add to the implanting of the scripture into young souls.

*To supply the combined 15,000 established Children’s Churches across EVERY DENOMINATION IN GHANA with REAL TALK TEACHING TRACTS.

*To reach out to youth across the nation and globally (across all denominations) to win their souls to Christ Jesus while structuring and building up their Children’s Church Order of Service. 

*To revive the children’s church today to create a safe haven for our adolescent souls to grow up strong in the lord and in the power of his might!

These TRACTS are for every home, church, school, or community club/organization that works with children and teens; and can be purchased by caring adults or organizations involved in the lives of young people.  Currently, REAL TALK is sold through Assemblies of God, Ghana Bookshops nationwide.

Children and Teens, especially, are making new friends everyday with: Negative Social Media, Other Inexperienced Peers, and The Occult.  Where do concerned Parents, Teachers, and Elders fit into this list?  Let’s critically examine the outcomes of these “strange” friendships.

The Rise in Numbers of:
             Unexpected Teenage Pregnancies
            Illegal Abortions
     Deaths due to Experimentation with Drugs , Alcohol  and Smoking (overdosing, organ failure, cognitive  disorders)
          Possession by Pornography
         Obsession with Gambling / Occultist Rituals for “quick cash”
          Cases of Armed Robbery and Murders
          Cases of Suicide
         Cases of Madness  due to  failed interpersonal relationships with those who can help: We, the Parents, Teachers, Elders

These “Soul Conversations” you are about to have with your children or teens—the Youth—are designed to aid you, the Parent, Teacher, Elder, in teaching Biblical Truths, and at the same time, help you to “talk” to and with (not at) your children or adolescents about their inner life: how they feel, what they think about, and what actions they will take based on the decisions they will make, prayerfully with your guidance.  Your role as Parent-Teacher-Elder is to open them up, in an atmosphere of love, to the revelation that JESUS CHRIST CARES ABOUT EVERYTHING they are going through and wants to allow them to CHOOSE THE BEST SOLUTION: Believing and trusting Him to be Lord and Saviour over their lives.

Madam Patience Osei-Anyamesem, M.Ed., Ph.D., is a born-again Christian serving the Lord in the Assemblies of God, Ghana as a Deaconess, a Bible Teacher and Sunday School Superintendent; a Children's Ministries Representative; and Secretary to the National Director of A/G, Ghana Children's Ministries.  She is Headmistress of Global Village Christian Academy Int'l School; Operations Manager and Editor-In-Chief for PepParadise Society Ltd.  She is also author of The Classroom Laboratory: A Course for the Practical Teacher and Blog Take My Hand Inspirations: Conversations with the Soul which you are now reading. She is Founder and Director of Take My Hand Inspirations Mission which includes publishing and training “Real Talk” and uplifting the world with Light In Me Productions, an “abled” youth performing arts ensemble.  Her personal motto: “Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life because God will make a way!”

REAL TALK TEACHING TRACTS will meet its success when it reaches and saves the souls of over 1000 children and teens across the nation.  Even one soul is precious.  Your contribution will help us meet our national printing target of 1,400 Series Packs of Armor of God for the July-December 2020 cycle at a cost of  GH¢50,000.00 ($10,000) (£7,200) and also makes you part of God’s Great Commission.  This target is to be met by 31st May 2020.

When Christians across all denominations unite, we can work miracles in the lives of our young people. Please contact me at email: or whatsapp/Mobile Money: +233-(0)54-763-0369.  Any financial support from you or your organization or individuals you know goes to saving precious young souls. BE A DIVINE HELPER AND GIVE SATAN THE BOOT!

 © 2020 by Patience Osei-Anyamesem. All rights reserved.  Published by Take My Hand Inspirations Mission.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews or other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Take My Hand Inspirations

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