Monday 14 September 2020

72: You Need Jesus!

  Living In Abundance Series

The More Abundant Life - What Then Why Now

”I am the true vine, and My Father is he vinedresser.  Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away, and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit” (John 15:1-2).

O.k. So what does this mean, exactly?  It means that upon this earth, you have a choice to make, dear Christian.  Either you give your talent to worldly pursuits, or you give it to increasing the Kingdom of God.  And let’s get clear from the “get-go”: ABUNDANCE DOES NOT EQUAL POSSESSING A LOT OF MONEY, NOR DOES IT EQUAL SUCCESS.


Success and wealth are by-products of abundance.  Most people get it wrong thinking that to have a lot of money is a mark of success.  Having a lot of money and not knowing how to use it for the multiplication of the God’s Kingdom brings a lot of worry and fear of loss of that bounty, so much so that most wealthy folks cannot concentrate on anything godly because of their being preoccupied with keeping or growing that money they possess.

 Good Neighbor Ministries, Omaha, NE | Who We Are

Abundance, however, is connected with working your talents for the good of humanity and for the salvation of souls.  When you get serious about developing and using your talent(s) according to the will of God, you will come to understand John 15:1-2.  God is working in you to bring about a change in your generation through you.  Once you take a step to pursue what’s in you, He’ll meet you at the point of your need and stay with you until you achieve mastery; and will STAY with (never leave) you guiding you on what to do to multiply your mastery.

There are countless stories of how those who look “successful” today began with nothing but a dream and faith.  They “walked on water” through the mockery, teasing, jokes, belittlement, hatred, and other troubles connoting “storms of life”.  Yet, they kept their eyes stayed steadfast on the Lord; held firm to their dream and came out on top.  And they stayed at the top because they shared their “fruit” with the hungry until they got filled and were able to also become branches attached to the Vine. YOU NEED JESUS.


Your mission in life is to rule the earth and to raise godly generations.  This means do what you love to do and watch the fruit of your labour multiply.  In my Fruit of the Spirit Series, we discuss how to produce the fruit.  This series addresses staying in abundance.  Abundance is a lifestyle.  It’s not an adjective attached to life.  Jesus promised His believers that I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly (John 10:10b).

Our minds are powerful tools that create our reality.  Some “new age” philosophies capitalize on that fact and twist it into believing that the “universe” is controlled by the imagination of man.  Well here’s the real deal: God is our universe because He created it.  He gave us His mind the moment we breathed our first breath and so we are connected by spiritual telepathy: Whatever a man thinketh, so he is (Proverbs 23:7a); and so he becomes, and so he creates and so he can also destroy—by what he meditates on.


If you can “see” yourself doing what you love to do and helping others to connect to our Creator of the Universe, then you can command all resources to come to you for you to make your “dream” manifest into reality.  Jesus tells us that, if we are to bear fruit, we must be pruned—undergoing a painful process that cuts out and throws away that which hinders your ability to produce fruit.  The first cutting must be how you think: firstly, about your life, and secondly, how you define “abundance”. 

Abundance means “more than enough”.  Through faith in Christ Jesus, God has put inside you more than enough to succeed in multiplying His fruit. JESUS + YOU = MORE THAN ENOUGH.  A Christian carries ‘insider information’ that can propel his or her life exceedingly abundantly beyond all he or she can ask or think.  Stop looking at those who are worldly wealthy, Soldier of the Lord.  Your wealth will stand the fire that will test if what you did with what you have passed God’s examination. 

Be fearful (reverent, humble, obedient) of the One who can kill the soul (God, our Father)—that means to send your soul to hell-fire.  Stop trying to please the one who can kill the body (satan)—that means serving the power that roams this earth.  You were given authority to rule the earth.  Can a ruler be a servant?  You must be pruned in your thinking about who you are and the true power you possess, Child of God.

Once you “get” what abundance means, then ask God to help you get it, sustain it, share it, and live in it unto eternal life.  This is what this series is all about; and we shall explore it in the likeness of branches for we are called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified (Isaiah 61:3).


YOU NEED JESUS, THE SOURCE OF OUR LIFE.  If you haven’t got Jesus inside you yet, stop defending the  "why not" and get down on your knees asking yourself: “Why not? I’ve come this far and still feel like there’s something missing in my life.” Pray this Prayer of Salvation and be filled with spiritual strength, peace of mind and a shifting into living in abundance:

 Dear Jesus,

I know that I’m a sinner. 

I've made bad choices.

I am sorry and ask for the

forgiveness that You freely offer.

I believe that you died on the cross to pay for my sin,

but that You rose again on the third day proving your power

 to conquer the grave and erase all my sin.

Give me the gift of Your Holy Spirit,

and help me to live my life according to Your way

so that I may look forward to a future

filled with hope and eternal life with You.




© 2020 by Patience Osei-Anyamesem. All rights reserved.  Published by The Liight In Me Enterprise.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews or other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Painting retrieved from Black Art search engine.


Take My Hand Inspirations


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