Tuesday 30 November 2021

113: Love Lifted Me

 The Art of Love


"The Moment of Love" by Leonid Afremov

Great thinkers think BIG.  There is nothing small about you.  Created in the image of God, you are a masterpiece—a work of the Master Planner, Master Builder, Creator of all the Universe and everything in it.  It’s time to stop thinking small about yourself and explore the many wonders going on inside of you which make you unique from any other person you know.


Jake is strong, full of energy, pleasing to look at.  Joshua is a little shorter, shy, and has trouble with picturing himself handsome in any way imaginable.  What’s going on inside Joshua is that he is looking at his outward appearance (like everybody does, right?) and comparing himself with Jake.  What he and others can’t see is that what’s going on inside of Joshua is absolutely equal with what’s going on inside of Jake.


Yes, all humanity is created equal, that is, with the same amount of love from our Father. Concepts, or institutionalized ideas of ‘inequality’ are man-made, with some so far-fetched as to be rooted in devilish constructs.  Where did the ideas of the African slave trade or the Jewish holocaust come from?  The repercussions, or consequences, of these and other acts of terror still shock the psyche system of today’s generation rendering them confused with identifying who they are, what’s their purpose in life, and how to find pure love in a world where love is swallowed by hatred.

Today is the time to stop looking outward for love, and to focus inward until you tap into your special Source of Love.


"In God's Hands" (female) by Lester Kern

"In God's Hands" (male) by Lester Kern

Made in the image of God, you are given special talents which must be developed over time with schooling, apprenticeship or training, and experiences to apply that talent.  Jake is an outstanding painter.  Given a palette and brushes with oil paints, his canvasses come alive in impressionism, cubism, and all out Jake-style imagery.  He also is a super athlete.  Joshua is a writer and a master at mathematics.  His free verse poetry can pour out tears from a reader or eject crazy laughter from his blank verse and rhymes.  His ability to calculate is so phenomenal, he’s helped lead his high school to many victories in inter-schools’ mathematics competitions. 

This is what’s going on inside of every one born of a woman.  In our last conversation, we discussed how love is patient.  Love allows you to explore and identify who the real you is.  It takes only you and your Creator to figure that out.  A parent or loved one or friend can guide you to bring out that special gift in you, but only you know for sure.  That gift, or talent, is God’s love poured into you to give you purpose for life.  He wants that you use your life to make this world a place where His love is shared among everyone.

Self-destruction was not part of the plan of your Creator, dearly beloved.  Changing any part of your outside will never ever change what’s inside of you. Cutting, mutilating, piercing, suctioning, injecting, lightening, or darkening can never destroy or alter the image of God in you.  Drowning out your thoughts, or perceptions, about who you really are in any kind of addictions will not kill what’s inside of you, either.  The image of God is not a physical body you can manipulate on your own.  What you are made of is very good.


"Thank God" by Fred Mathews

So, why not submit to what is good and wonderful and unique and special in you?  Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and give glory to the Father who created that light in you (Read Matthew 5:15 -16). Stop trying to conform to what everyone else is doing; and love yourself enough to connect with the only Source of Love who can lead you to a future blessed with power, peace, and prosperity.

Love is patient and kind. Our last conversation described love as patient, being able to get through both the good and tough times with singleness of purpose.  Kindness usually refers to how we treat others, but in this “talk”, we’ll interpret kindness as accepting the uniqueness of the image of God in you and loving it up enough to flow outside of you for the benefit of others.


Allow Love to lift you up into greatness.  Allow love to remove the shackles of conforming to standards of worldly beauty and success and re-direct yourself onto a path of true beauty and sustainable success—a life full of hope and joy while living in your godly vision.  Aren’t you ready for a change in the right direction?  If you are, join us in our next conversation. 

In the meantime, continue with your journal writing by listing the talents or gifts you “see” inside of yourself.  Write about what would actually make you happy if you had opportunities to use that gift or those special talents.  Remember, it’s not about how many talents, or gifts you can identify.  It’s about finding that part of you that brings out the most joy when you are using or applying it for something good.


© 2021 by Patience Osei-Anyamesem. All rights reserved.  Published by The Light In Me Enterprise.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews or other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Take My Hand Inspirations

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