Saturday 20 May 2017

4: What’s Wrong With You?

Take My Hand Inspirations
What’s Wrong With You?
You cry because you feel you’re not perfect.   You hide because you are afraid to show the real you because you think no one will accept you for who you really are.  You feel . . . rejected.  Please, dear one, get off your high horse and come down to earth.  The rest of us “ordinary” human beings are waiting to take your hands and bring you home. 

Home is where you are free to love and grow and fall and get up and fall again and get up again and grow and grow and grow. . . until you shine brilliantly on your own.  Have you forgotten Psalm 139:14, that [you] are fearfully and wonderfully made?  Grandma once told me: “God don’t make junk.  So you’ve got something precious inside you, because that’s all that God creates: precious things, unique things, wonderful things.  Just look around at all the beauty of nature.  Everywhere, beautiful!”

Psalm 139:14 actually gives glory to God: I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

Then what’s wrong with you?  Are you too black or too white?  Too rich or too poor?  Can’t sing well?  Weak in mathematics?  Is your head too big or too small?  How do you know what is imperfect in you?  And can you question God about how He formed you in your mother’s womb? (Job 40:2, 8).  Stop looking down on yourself and praise God for what He’s done in you.  You belittle God’s work in you when you find fault in yourself.  It saddens Him to know you don’t appreciate what gifts He’s given you.

Beware of comparing yourself with others.  One woman can sing so powerfully, you feel that the heavenly angels have come down to dance!  Another man is so financially strong, you’re amazed at his business acumen.  Good. Be o.k. with the strengths of others.  But don’t you see that they, too, admire your gift of hospitality, your ability to bring all different kinds of people together in perfect enriching social fellowship?   And, even in high school, you were chosen as “Most Likely to Succeed” because you drew classmates from all walks of life together with your inspiring personality.  Where others lack, you are strong; and where you lack, others are there to make you strong.  Give praise to God!  That’s the whole point of creation: each part of creation, including each one of us, is like a puzzle piece fixing itself in to complete the big universal picture.  Your strengths connect to my weaknesses (not imperfections) and my strengths connect to another’s weaknesses until we are all built up strong (all weaknesses blotted out), united in the universal picture entitled: the Harmony of Humanity.

Understanding this principle, where are the imperfections?  God knew that you could not be Him.  Only He is 100% perfect.  He is God.  Humanity is pure dust, clay formed by the hands of God.  But we are fearfully and wonderfully made because our Great Creator God put His likeness into each of us with His breath; and we became what He said is, “Good.”   

So there it is: There is nothing wrong with you.  You are packaged exactly the way God wanted.  Stop looking outside yourself at the “specialness” of others and celebrate what is uniquely fabulous about you.  What can you lose by sharing your great self?  A supportive smile, sincere appreciation, joy unspeakable and loving relationships?  Come on, dear one, celebrate you!

A Praise Song for Our Father, Our Creator
Taught to me by Grandma:

Thank you Lord, for loving me the way that you do, do , do.
Thank you Lord, for loving me the way that you do, do, do.
I’m gonna praise You with my song.
I’m gonna praise You all day long.
Thank you Lord, for loving me the way that you do, do , do.

Find illustration on the Netlink:  frank-morrison@fineartandyou1
Take My Hand Inspirations

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