Monday 17 August 2020

68: Staying Power!

 Wellness Series

The Cracked Door – Unleashing The Power Of God In Your Life

God, our Father, makes all things beautiful in His time.  Sometimes, His time is not our time, especially if we are not sure when to move, and we stand idly procrastinating over the “What if I fail?” dilemma.  At times, God’s got to push us where He wants us to go; at other times, He has to pull us because we are don’t want to leave our ‘comfort zone’.  God’s got a perfect plan for your life, but oftentimes, we miss out and regret the lost feelings of “I should have at least tried.”

God wants to bless you.  Why else would He have sacrificed His only begotten Son?  God loves you, and that’s all there’s to it—that’s the answer to your: “Why am I here?” wondering.  He loves you so much that He imbued you with His power to rule the earth and raise godly generations.  You are in your generation for such a time as this to do something good for God.  God did not make a mistake in creating you (Read Esther 4).

 Yes, some of us may have entered this earth with unmarried parents, or by cause of rape, incest, or any other means not edifying, but you are not the creation from the union of that sperm and egg. You are created from that which no man can make.  The sperm and the egg that united were from the physical bodies of a man and woman.  But as previously discussed, the real you was given life through the breath of God; that is the soul you.  The soul you is perfect and powerful and beautiful.  And that’s the part of you that God uses to help you make a positive difference in the world in which you live.

 Prayer For The Mighty Power Of God To Flow Through You

“I’ve got the power!”  Once Jesus lives in you, you have something the world can’t get, nor does the world know how to use it.  It is called STAYING POWER.  It is a power that takes dominance over evil forces and parades it publically to their shame, and to your triumph: Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it (Colossians 2:15).  THE SOUL YOU IS NOT A MISTAKE.  THE SOUL YOU CAN NEVER BE REJECTED IF IT IS CONNECTED TO ITS LIFE SOURCE, THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD THROUGH JESUS CHRIST.

Health is trusting that your own personal resources are your greatest strength for living and growing.1

“Personal Resources” are the gifts (talent, intellect, ability) you have within you that God planted in you on your birthday—not money or gadgets or degrees; and can only be effective if you root yourself in and call upon (depend upon; trust in) the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to help (water) you in every situation and in every area of your life.  Sometimes, you must wait until you’ve completed training or education; other times, He will shout: “Move, now!”  God’s timing can only be perceived by the unction of the Holy Spirit.  So you’ve got to stay connected to Him.

There are plenty of people who have tapped into their talents and have produced great and wondrous things to advance the quality of life for humanity.  Those inventions will be improved upon by future generations after the inventor has passed on. 


But staying power is that ability given by God in you to persevere in righteousness when times get hard and you wonder if sinning is the best way to come out on top.  Staying power is your ability to say, “No!” when everyone around you is bellowing: “Yes!”  Staying power is believing in yourself to make your dream come to reality by humbling yourself to hear the voice of God giving you the right direction to walk into your victory. 

The victory is overcoming your fears, your weaknesses, your doubt in Jesus to make a way for you that will bring a life of abundance—a life of long-lasting joy and multitudes of harvests of His fruits.  To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under the heaven.  He has made everything beautiful in its time. I know that whatever God does, it shall be forever.  Nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken from it. (Ecclesiastes 3:1; 11a; 14).

 What God put in you is perfect and needed to make the souls of men live eternally with Him. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL because of the holiness of God working and moving and having its being (its life) in you. So whatever you put your heart into doing, that is where your treasure is; that is where you grow into your peace of mind, your life of abundance, your spiritual strength, your wellness. In righteousness you shall be established; you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and from terror, for it shall not come near you (Isaiah 54:14).


It is not only daughters that may experience excruciating pain in relationships with mothers, but sons also may have explosive experiences with fathers.  From our last conversation: You cannot save lost souls if your own soul is lost in looking for what it cannot find on earth, or in another person.  These effects oppress the soul---the soul is in prison bound by the evil spirit of heaviness caused by the evil spirit of rejection.

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Choose today to stand up for yourself by prostrating before the Lord seeking His righteousness and He will give you beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that [you] may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord that He may be glorified (Isaiah 61:3).

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“NOW” is your time!


© 2020 by Patience Osei-Anyamesem. All rights reserved.  Published by The Liight In Me Enterprise.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews or other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission. All rights reserved.

1.     Travis, J. (1977). The Wellness Workbook. Mill Valley, CA, USA: Wellness Resource Center.

Take My Hand Inspirations


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