Monday 9 November 2020


 Living In Abundance Series

Do you know what a covenant is?  It is a solemn promise between two or more people or parties who vow never to break what they’ve agreed upon.  When you enter into a covenant, it remains binding upon you, unless you decide to break it.  However, some covenants are difficult to break no matter what you ‘think’; and can only be destroyed in the blood of Jesus.


When you get into agreement with God through belief in Jesus Christ making Him your Lord and Saviour, you have entered into a covenant between God—the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit—and you.  Whatever covenants you made beforehand become null and void.  That covenant you made through various sexual entanglements gets cancelled.  That ‘blood’ covenant you made during some eerie group or society rituals between your mates is destroyed.  That covenant you made with Satan while worshipping anything that was not Almighty God in Jesus is over!


You now are covered in the blood covenant of Jesus Christ.  You are married to the Lord.  “Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” is a question asked during a man-made wedding ceremony.  Once she pronounces, “Yes, I do”, she is bound to her husband until death do them part.  Once you say, “Yes, Lord, I am Yours”, you have entered into a highest, best and everlasting covenant of your life.  You become a child of God, a righteous daughter or son, a new creation.

And, guess what?  This covenant has great benefits.  You get healed.  You get protection.  You get blessings.  You get encouragement and uplifting.  You get freedom from your past sins and guilt.  You get born-again and saved unto everlasting life.  God redeems you from the power of evil.  He sets you high on a Rock and feeds your life with every good and perfect gift from above.  He makes a way for you to live in abundance, even where you see no way.  He opens doors no one can shut.  He wipes away all your tears and replaces them with the fruit of joy!  Oh taste the goodness of the covenant of the Lord!  Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good, Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! (Psalms 34:8).

These are some of the benefits.  The Bible is filled with all the rest.  That is why you must read it daily and claim those promises for yourself.  The Bible is the physical presence of God, like a wedding ring.  When your spouse is away, you can still be reminded that you are married by the presence of the wedding ring on your finger.  The Bible is your “wedding ring” with the Lord; and it binds you to His Holy Spirit within you.  When you speak aloud the promises of God, they cover your life like a garment of promise, enforcing spiritual laws to take immediate effect backed by your belief in those words.  God’s Word is truth and cannot be twisted or diluted.  They are your Rock—Jesus, the Word turned flesh who dwelt among us and later became our sins nailed to the cross.

Speak the Word of God into your life right now.  “I am the head and not the tail.  No weapon formed against me shall prosper.  The Lord is fighting my battle for me.  Those who hate me and slander my character shall eat the fruit of their words, for I am a child of God and have put my trust in Him.  The devil may come to steal, kill and destroy, but he cannot touch me for my God shall send His angels to encamp all around me and to deliver me from all my troubles and fears.  The Lord is with me wherever I go; and His thoughts are for my good future.  I will not die (untimely), but I shall live to a good old age declaring the works of the Lord!”


God loves you more than you can feel, imagine or understand.  Speak the Word of God into your life to define who you are in Him. Stop allowing others to define you or to control your destiny. Start and continue designing the PLAN of your life with His Word as its foundation: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13).

Cover your nakedness, Child of God, with the garments of praise, giving and doing good, holiness, and God’s promises.  And let the Lord delight in you. If you believe in Jesus, there is no way He’ll put you into shame or disgrace.

You shall no longer be termed Forsaken, nor shall your land [life] any more be termed Desolate; You shall be called Hephzibah [MY DELIGHT IN IS YOU] and your land [life] Beulah [MARRIED]; For the Lord delights in you (Isaiah 62:4).  You are married to the Most High God.  Get in agreement with Him, and you will be well able to overcome your past and move swiftly into your abundant future.

Shout a big: “Amen!”


© 2020 by Patience Osei-Anyamesem. All rights reserved.  Published by The Light In Me Enterprise.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews or other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Take My Hand Inspirations

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