Monday 22 February 2021

90: The Anointing Breaks the Pain

 It’s A New Season


New can be defined as different from the one that previously existed. To exist simply means to be.  We exist because of our being created by God—the Supreme Being; and in Him we live, move and have our “being” (Acts 17:28).  You are the possessor of God’s image, and therefore carry His ‘being’—who He is—in you.  You’ve got God in you.  You are anointed to do His good will.  That anointing consecrates you—sets you apart as someone dedicated to a special purpose or service.


You are not alone when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake (Matthew 5:11).  “They” chose to release a corrupt criminal, a notorious prisoner, Barabbas, and to crucify Jesus (Matthew 27:15-23), the Christ, or “Anointed One”.  Jesus’ purpose on earth was so ultimately consecrated that Satan proved a fearsome force through Jesus’ persecutors—in order to stop that purpose.  Jesus’ disciples, spiritual “babies” could not discern even a little of what was going on, that’s why they slept in the Garden of Gethsemane as Jesus dripped tears of blood in prayer.

Jesus’ purpose, however, was kept hidden from the forces of darkness.  “They” thought that He was to come and rule as king over them.  But the true purpose of Jesus was the crucifixion—He was to die nailing our sins to the cross in order to redeem, or buy back (purchase), humanity and restore each soul back to its original quality of innocence and its intended condition of purity and holiness.  Jesus’ purpose was to liberate us from defilement, pay for the wages of sin, and to give back to us our ‘first’ Garden-of-Eden relationship with God, our Creator, the one who made us to “be” in Him, as a likeness of His image.


The purpose of Jesus was so concealed that “they”, His haters, wanting to have him destroyed, were actually helping Him to complete His purpose!  That is the way of consecration.  Sometimes, a life-purpose may have to be kept between only you and God, but as you move in it, those watching you may not understand nor have an inkling as to why or what or even how you’re doing it.  Your life’s purpose may have to be done privately, until the time God tells you to reveal it.  Jesus knew His life-purpose all along; and only revealed it to His disciples just before the Passover.

In order to live, move, and have being in the anointing of God, you must get solemn, get to a secret place, get quiet and be stirred in your soul to listen to and to follow Jesus’ way of handling a life-purpose.  You don’t have to apologize, nor explain who you are to those who refuse to hear you. 

It’s a new season in your life when you can comprehend the breadth, the width, and the depth of God’s love for you; and feel His presence, His anointing, flowing through you.  You are made anew in this anointing and dedicated to a life-purpose which puts you aside as one who is peculiar, or “different”, from others.  Each person on earth has a life-purpose.  Unfortunately, not everyone is living theirs. 

When you decide to live, move, and have being in God, through Christ, you are declaring war on everything devilish.  The attacks will come, the rejection, the false accusations, the abandonment, but you must hold on to the One who sent you.  You must cling to Jesus, the author and finisher of the faith you possess so strongly.

He will not give you more than you can endure.  He is a faithful God, a Father of incredible love and infinite mercy to those to cling to Him in faith. For in, by, and through faith you are justified: Declared, “not guilty”.  God looks out for you, covers you, and defends and vindicates you.

You are not who you used to be.  It takes time and experience in living to build a steadfast relationship with God.  That relationship changes you, restores you, and gives you the gumption to do anything that pleases the Lord, even to the loss of family and friends.  Are you pleasing the Lord?  Or, are you pleasing the world?  Do you think it was easy for our Lord to walk upon this earth without being tempted to enjoy the wiles of this world?  Yet, knowing His life-purpose, He stayed steadfast on His mission; and now we all can be saved by His blood.

You can also live a life-purpose that is consecrated to the Lord.  His anointing breaks the pain of what you may experience by choosing to follow Him completely.  Choose to follow Him: And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit everlasting life (Matthew 19:29).  Do not be afraid of the future.  Rather, put your trust in the Lord, and He’ll work everything out for your good!


New Season1

 It’s a new season, it’s a new day

A fresh anointing is flowing my way

It’s a season of power and prosperity

It’s a new season coming to me.



© 2021 by Patience Osei-Anyamesem. All rights reserved.  Published by The Light In Me Enterprise.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews or other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission. All rights reserved.

1. “New Season” lyrics by Israel Houghton, 2001.

2. Paintings from "Black Art" search engine.

Take My Hand Inspirations

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