Saturday 24 June 2017

9: Back to the Cross . . . to Go Forward

Take My Hand Inspirations

Back to the Cross . . . to Go Forward

Let the cross come crashing down upon you, for that crashing will shatter strongholds intentionally erected around your ignorant soul—can you know the plan of the enemy?  But pray for opened eyes to see the signs:

1)   Not attending church regularly?
2)   “Forgetting” to pay your tithes; decreasing your offering?
3)   Just can’t open that Bible every day, can you?
4)   Caught up in telenovelas, apps and social media that there’s no time for prayer?
5)   “Hip life, hip hop, hip what!?”  Gospel groups no more attractive to you?

. . . the list may go on and on.  But here is where we’ll STOP.  And go back to the CROSS, that Old Time Religion when:

EYES were kind and attached to welcoming smiles from the heart accompanied by sincere hugs full of genuine concern and love for one another.  When we exercised them by reading the Bible basking in the cool, healing waters of God’s Holy Spirit, with minds wide open to meditation and filled with unspeakable joy when we got a revelation!

That Old Time Religion when:

TONGUES were softer, therefore, stronger in preaching God’s Word straight into a lost soul bringing out salvation.

That Old Time Religion when:

EARS were sharper and tuned in enough to listen to and hold on to the gospel message ringing in our ears long after church service was over, resonating throughout the whole week, and still resounding the next Sunday as we sat on polished mahogany pews eager to hear another great sermon delivered through a discerning (Bible-trained) preacher man or woman.

That Old Time Religion when:

HANDS were readily giving, opened and sharing whatever we had with those who didn’t, the right not knowing what the left was doing.  To a time when tithes and offering were a joy (a truly happy experience) to put into God’s bowl without questioning, “Where is my hard-earned money going? To Pastor and his wife and children?  Why should I put more in when I have my own family to take care of?!?”

To the times when “Yes” meant yes and “No” meant no, stop, I do not like that.  When men were gentle and respected the sanctity of ladies; and when ladies respected themselves kindly keeping their gentlemen suitors at arm’s length and their dresses below the knee length in God-fearing sweet submission (Is church attire today any different from that of prostitution?).

Can we ever get that “Christ-is-in-the-center of my life” mentality back again?  How do we snatch back what the devil has stolen from us? What has he stolen? Our DIGNITY as custodians of Christ’s church and stewards of His Word.

What does it mean to say, “I am a Christian.”?  Can those who are not Christian see that Christ exists in your life by the way you talk, act, think, walk?  Does the remnant of true worshippers testify that you are one of them, or can they see right through your hypocrisy, your pretense as a mere church-goer?  If Jesus showed you the video of your life today, could you stand boldly before Him as His shiny vessel of gold diligently used for His service, or are you that wooden pot sitting in the corner dusty and overlooked by the Master, just full hot air?  Carefully read 2 Timothy 2:20-26.

It’s time to go BACK TO THE CROSS.  It is when we close our physical eyes (that on a continual basis subconsciously take in so much lust of the world—lust for electronic toys, lust for power, lust for body parts.  Whatever we see, we want it. Oh Lord, help us all!) that our spiritual eyes can see His deep red sustaining blood oozing down that old rugged cross hanging our punctured savior in mid-air for quarter of a darkened day.  Now listen to the cries He made, in treachery and in thirst, He paid the ransom for your life, a living sacrifice . . . all for you.  Do you smell the power in the blood—His life in exchange for yours?
In your mind’s eye, let your right hand reach out and touch that old rugged cross and feel His cold feet in your left.  Look up into His burning eyes and bathe in His forgiving love flowing all over you. 

He is alive now and forevermore, seated at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:2).

Today, it is your turn to pick up that old cross and carry it as a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) demonstrating to the whole wide world that you remember—not the pain or the shame of it—but the victory and the power of the cross to crush that damned old enemy shattering to “stompable” pieces those evil strongholds erected around your revived and freshly enlightened soul.  With the sole of your foot, stomp that treacherous serpent to death—Luke 10:19:

Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 

Go forward, dear Christian – The Cross, your cross, is your crashing power.

 With your opened eyes, take a look at your life from the time you first walked with the Lord Jesus Christ until today, right now.  Have you dropped your cross?  Have you left it at a familiar place, but have gone to a strange place?  Have you rejected your cross for a different kind of lifestyle?  Stop everything right now and go back and get it.  Be fast about it.  Jesus is coming soon!

“And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.  He who finds his life [in the world without Christ] will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.(Matthew 10:38-39, NKJV).

© 2017 by Take My Hand Inspirations, a division of PepParadise Society Ltd.  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Take My Hand Inspirations

Tuesday 20 June 2017

8: In the Belly of the Wail

Take My Hand Inspirations

In the Belly of the Wail
Jonah emphatically told God, “No!” and headed for Tarshish (left) instead of Nineveh (right).  His bold defiance to the orders given to Him by his Creator threw Jonah into chilly deep waters almost unto death. . . . until he landed in the belly of the whale.

“The belly of the whale” metaphorically is the deep pit in which you find yourself suffocating as you struggle to push your way out.  For three days and three nights, Jonah lamented, prayed and wailed, wailed, and wailed some more: “I cried out to the Lord because of my affliction . . . out of the belly of Sheol [the deep dark pit] I cried.” (Jonah 2:2) His tears were the dark waters of troubles streaming over the face of his life.  He smelled death in that belly; and men fear death.

You may be face-to-face with death (of your body or your soul or even spiritually) right now.  For the wages [punishment] of sin is death. (Romans 6:23a).  Your jealousy or anger or fear or distrust or gossiping or adultery/fornication or rejection of God’s Word has landed you smacked down flat in the middle of the belly.  And you’re wailing for a way out.  The only way out of the belly is to take a 180 degree turn in the opposite direction of where you are right now. 

Let go of your ego and fear of what others may think of you for wanting to change.  The “others” can’t get you into heaven.  Only Jesus can (Acts 4:12).  And He’s waiting for you at that point where you . . . turn: repent, change, think differently, be and do God’s will in grateful obedience.

No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. (1 Corinthians 10:13, NKJV).

Dear Brother, Dear Sister.  You played with the devil’s fire for too long.  Did you think you would never get burned!?!  O.k. now you know.  The devil plays tricks with our emotions (soul) and flesh (body) to get us to think we are invincible like Jonah, defiantly rejecting God’s orders, while, at the same time, inwardly hoping that God would never punish us, His legitimate children.  After all, He is a merciful God who knows how weak we are, right?  Oh, how wrong we, who are not close to the Lord can be about who God, our Father, really is.  Take plenty of time to read and to meditate on Hebrews 12:5-11.

What is true about God, our Father, is that He considers the tears and listens to the prayers of the truly repentant heart as we wail: “My soul is fainted within me, but my prayer goes up to You, into Your holy temple.  With the voice of thanksgiving, I will pay what I have vowed.  Salvation is of the Lord.”  (Jonah 2:7-9, NKJV).  What did you vow to the Lord?  Let me tell you. Upon receiving Him as your Lord and Savior, you vowed your life, a life dedicated and holy unto the Lord (Romans 12:1-2).  And look at what you are doing with your life right now.

But with the temptation that has landed you in this belly, God has made the way of escape and you will be able to bear it.  Just like Jonah, you will be chastised, but in a way you can handle.  And after the chastisement is over (how long it takes is based on how long it takes you to truly repent), you will definitely rejoice: “And You heard my voice. And You answered me.” 

“So the Lord spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land.” (Jonah 2:10)  Your way of escape is closer and sooner than you think. 


     A.     You must stop masturbating and embrace sports or other healthy hobbies or take on a challenging new course that brings out the genius or creativity in you. 

      B.     You must give that husband back to his wife (or that wife back to her husband) and patiently wait for Mr. or Miss Right to come into your heart. 

      C.     You must simply shatter that boozing bottle once and for all; or switch off all pornographic paraphernalia; and pick up a book (perhaps the Bible?), film or audiotape about the power of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, to help you overcome humanity’s sinful nature. 

      D.     You must cease all unholy relationships, attachments, affiliations (unequal yokes dangling, strangling your neck), and pursue what is the will of God for your life.

And that relationship you’re in with the same-sex partner?  Are you at perfect peace in it?  Do you feel whole, complete, satisfied, fulfilled? Pure love can be shared without the pursuit of lascivious lustful satisfaction.  Sex was not meant to be an extension of carnality.  Biblical love is only found in the union of one man and one woman in holy matrimony. This is the only kind of relationship that births the only true, complete, life-fulfilling love expressed in the Word of God. But the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23b, NKJV).


“So the Lord spoke to the fish.  You have prayed and wailed long enough.  Now give thanks to the Lord for hearing you and allow Jesus to speak to your problem.  Trust and obey, for there’s no other way (of escape). 

© 2017 by Take My Hand Inspirations, a division of PepParadise Society Ltd.  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Most  Artwork for this blog can be found on the Black Art search engine.

Take My Hand Inspirations

Monday 12 June 2017

7: Our Fathers

Take My Hand Inspirations

Our Fathers  . . .

Melissa, through glassy stares, reminisces about the day her Dad picked her up in his long husky arms and carried her off to the local shop to buy pink chewing gum and white socks for her to wear to her 3rd new Primary school.  The next day, and the next, . . . and the next, she wondered if she’d be carried away again.  When mama cried, she knew Daddy had died in that war she hated.  Glassy-eyed and twenty-three years later, she still sits sulking out of any window squinting to see if he’d come running to catch her up . . . again.

Full of laughter in his heart, Kelvin plays with his son on the scorching asphalt basketball court behind their city apartment complex.  He’s in red.  K, Jr. is in blue.  Opposing teams, but one big united hug despite the defeat of Dad after three rounds of one-on-one.  K, Jr. occupies ninety percent of the space in the abandoned part of the heart of K, Sr. almost replacing that aching emptiness of him not knowing who his own father is. Almost. “Where were you; where are you, Dad?” he still questions at age 34.

Sandra, the corporate conqueror, shuffles and swings from client to client sometimes taking on more cases than she can handle trying to drown that indigestible indictment of incest her drunkard father raped upon her year after year from age nine until she fled into Auntie’s arms 3,000 miles away, yet still receiving regular care packages from Mom too numb to move out of that “divorce is not an option” marriage.

They all got together over three years ago at their university alma mater: Melissa, the Physics lecturer, Kelvin, the global businessman, and Sandra, the “power” lawyer; and decided to keep in touch with each other no matter what nor where life took each of them.  Friends Forever.

2017 . . .
Kelvin:        Melissa, you there?  Hey we’ll meet at the church by 5 p.m., o.k.?
Melissa:      Yeah, sure, K., wouldn’t miss this for the world.  See you soon.  Have you talked to Sandra?
Kelvin:        Of course, you know Sandra, gun ho and ready for anything!
Melissa:      Yeah, I miss her fire.  She always kept me up and fighting for life.  I owe her my life, you know.
Kelvin:        I know what you mean.  It’s amazing how that home could handle the three of us.
Sandra:       (on conference call) Hey, what are you guys talking about?
Melissa:      Old times at the home.
Sandra:       Again?  You two can’t move on, can you?
Kelvin:        Can you, Sandra? Can you ever forget Da Biggs and Ma Pearl?
Sandra:       They picked us up from nowhere and loved us more than any blood could.  I will love them forever.  They were there for me when Auntie went to be with the Lord.  And they have loved me still as their own daughter, even to this day.
Melissa:      I was so lost as a teenager, just wandering around after Mama’s breakdown; and Da Biggs and Ma Pearl found me, took care of Mama and me in their big hearts and home.  Oh, let’s stop before the tears flow.
Kelvin:        I got the cake; and our outstanding gift is ready for Da Biggs.
Sandra:       Great, K.  You always knew how to do things big!
Melissa:      This will be the greatest Father’s Day celebration ever!

We love you Da, our Father.  There are no words which can express how much we, your children, appreciate you.  When we were lost, you helped us to find our way.  When we were sick, you took care of us.  You packed our lunches with Ma, and sent us off to Primary school, then JHS, then SHS, and your pockets never seemed to get dry as we continued on to university.  How did you do it?  Not a single day did you complain against us though we brought many troubles on you due to our adolescent madness.  Yes, you scolded us, punished us, even put the cane on our backs, but now we know it was all out of your unending love to make us into the special people we are today and who would one day have our own children.  You turned our “Friends Forever” into “Family Forever.”  We love you Da, our Father. 

Have a very Happy Father’s Day!

Hear, my children, the instruction of a father. When I was my father’s son . . . he also taught me, and said to me: “Let your heart retain my words, hear, my son, and receive my sayings, And the years of your life will be many.  I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in the right paths.  When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, And when you run, you will not stumble.” (Read Proverbs 4:1-12, NKJV)

Is there a “father” (a Da Biggs) in your life who has led you as the example above?  Perhaps he is your biological Dad, or maybe he’s not.  This Sunday, June 18th, 2017, be sure to remember the “Da Biggs” in your life.  He cares about you and deserves your appreciation.  Forgive him, call him, visit him.  A son honours his father (Malachi 1:6a). 

© 2017 by Take My Hand Inspirations, a division of PepParadise Society Ltd.  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Paintings: 1. Father Collage © 2014, (; 2. Mural Arts Philadelphia: Fathers and Children Together (FACT) © 2015 Ernel Martinez (}

Take My Hand Inspirations