Monday 12 June 2017

7: Our Fathers

Take My Hand Inspirations

Our Fathers  . . .

Melissa, through glassy stares, reminisces about the day her Dad picked her up in his long husky arms and carried her off to the local shop to buy pink chewing gum and white socks for her to wear to her 3rd new Primary school.  The next day, and the next, . . . and the next, she wondered if she’d be carried away again.  When mama cried, she knew Daddy had died in that war she hated.  Glassy-eyed and twenty-three years later, she still sits sulking out of any window squinting to see if he’d come running to catch her up . . . again.

Full of laughter in his heart, Kelvin plays with his son on the scorching asphalt basketball court behind their city apartment complex.  He’s in red.  K, Jr. is in blue.  Opposing teams, but one big united hug despite the defeat of Dad after three rounds of one-on-one.  K, Jr. occupies ninety percent of the space in the abandoned part of the heart of K, Sr. almost replacing that aching emptiness of him not knowing who his own father is. Almost. “Where were you; where are you, Dad?” he still questions at age 34.

Sandra, the corporate conqueror, shuffles and swings from client to client sometimes taking on more cases than she can handle trying to drown that indigestible indictment of incest her drunkard father raped upon her year after year from age nine until she fled into Auntie’s arms 3,000 miles away, yet still receiving regular care packages from Mom too numb to move out of that “divorce is not an option” marriage.

They all got together over three years ago at their university alma mater: Melissa, the Physics lecturer, Kelvin, the global businessman, and Sandra, the “power” lawyer; and decided to keep in touch with each other no matter what nor where life took each of them.  Friends Forever.

2017 . . .
Kelvin:        Melissa, you there?  Hey we’ll meet at the church by 5 p.m., o.k.?
Melissa:      Yeah, sure, K., wouldn’t miss this for the world.  See you soon.  Have you talked to Sandra?
Kelvin:        Of course, you know Sandra, gun ho and ready for anything!
Melissa:      Yeah, I miss her fire.  She always kept me up and fighting for life.  I owe her my life, you know.
Kelvin:        I know what you mean.  It’s amazing how that home could handle the three of us.
Sandra:       (on conference call) Hey, what are you guys talking about?
Melissa:      Old times at the home.
Sandra:       Again?  You two can’t move on, can you?
Kelvin:        Can you, Sandra? Can you ever forget Da Biggs and Ma Pearl?
Sandra:       They picked us up from nowhere and loved us more than any blood could.  I will love them forever.  They were there for me when Auntie went to be with the Lord.  And they have loved me still as their own daughter, even to this day.
Melissa:      I was so lost as a teenager, just wandering around after Mama’s breakdown; and Da Biggs and Ma Pearl found me, took care of Mama and me in their big hearts and home.  Oh, let’s stop before the tears flow.
Kelvin:        I got the cake; and our outstanding gift is ready for Da Biggs.
Sandra:       Great, K.  You always knew how to do things big!
Melissa:      This will be the greatest Father’s Day celebration ever!

We love you Da, our Father.  There are no words which can express how much we, your children, appreciate you.  When we were lost, you helped us to find our way.  When we were sick, you took care of us.  You packed our lunches with Ma, and sent us off to Primary school, then JHS, then SHS, and your pockets never seemed to get dry as we continued on to university.  How did you do it?  Not a single day did you complain against us though we brought many troubles on you due to our adolescent madness.  Yes, you scolded us, punished us, even put the cane on our backs, but now we know it was all out of your unending love to make us into the special people we are today and who would one day have our own children.  You turned our “Friends Forever” into “Family Forever.”  We love you Da, our Father. 

Have a very Happy Father’s Day!

Hear, my children, the instruction of a father. When I was my father’s son . . . he also taught me, and said to me: “Let your heart retain my words, hear, my son, and receive my sayings, And the years of your life will be many.  I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in the right paths.  When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, And when you run, you will not stumble.” (Read Proverbs 4:1-12, NKJV)

Is there a “father” (a Da Biggs) in your life who has led you as the example above?  Perhaps he is your biological Dad, or maybe he’s not.  This Sunday, June 18th, 2017, be sure to remember the “Da Biggs” in your life.  He cares about you and deserves your appreciation.  Forgive him, call him, visit him.  A son honours his father (Malachi 1:6a). 

© 2017 by Take My Hand Inspirations, a division of PepParadise Society Ltd.  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Paintings: 1. Father Collage © 2014, (; 2. Mural Arts Philadelphia: Fathers and Children Together (FACT) © 2015 Ernel Martinez (}

Take My Hand Inspirations

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