Saturday 24 June 2017

9: Back to the Cross . . . to Go Forward

Take My Hand Inspirations

Back to the Cross . . . to Go Forward

Let the cross come crashing down upon you, for that crashing will shatter strongholds intentionally erected around your ignorant soul—can you know the plan of the enemy?  But pray for opened eyes to see the signs:

1)   Not attending church regularly?
2)   “Forgetting” to pay your tithes; decreasing your offering?
3)   Just can’t open that Bible every day, can you?
4)   Caught up in telenovelas, apps and social media that there’s no time for prayer?
5)   “Hip life, hip hop, hip what!?”  Gospel groups no more attractive to you?

. . . the list may go on and on.  But here is where we’ll STOP.  And go back to the CROSS, that Old Time Religion when:

EYES were kind and attached to welcoming smiles from the heart accompanied by sincere hugs full of genuine concern and love for one another.  When we exercised them by reading the Bible basking in the cool, healing waters of God’s Holy Spirit, with minds wide open to meditation and filled with unspeakable joy when we got a revelation!

That Old Time Religion when:

TONGUES were softer, therefore, stronger in preaching God’s Word straight into a lost soul bringing out salvation.

That Old Time Religion when:

EARS were sharper and tuned in enough to listen to and hold on to the gospel message ringing in our ears long after church service was over, resonating throughout the whole week, and still resounding the next Sunday as we sat on polished mahogany pews eager to hear another great sermon delivered through a discerning (Bible-trained) preacher man or woman.

That Old Time Religion when:

HANDS were readily giving, opened and sharing whatever we had with those who didn’t, the right not knowing what the left was doing.  To a time when tithes and offering were a joy (a truly happy experience) to put into God’s bowl without questioning, “Where is my hard-earned money going? To Pastor and his wife and children?  Why should I put more in when I have my own family to take care of?!?”

To the times when “Yes” meant yes and “No” meant no, stop, I do not like that.  When men were gentle and respected the sanctity of ladies; and when ladies respected themselves kindly keeping their gentlemen suitors at arm’s length and their dresses below the knee length in God-fearing sweet submission (Is church attire today any different from that of prostitution?).

Can we ever get that “Christ-is-in-the-center of my life” mentality back again?  How do we snatch back what the devil has stolen from us? What has he stolen? Our DIGNITY as custodians of Christ’s church and stewards of His Word.

What does it mean to say, “I am a Christian.”?  Can those who are not Christian see that Christ exists in your life by the way you talk, act, think, walk?  Does the remnant of true worshippers testify that you are one of them, or can they see right through your hypocrisy, your pretense as a mere church-goer?  If Jesus showed you the video of your life today, could you stand boldly before Him as His shiny vessel of gold diligently used for His service, or are you that wooden pot sitting in the corner dusty and overlooked by the Master, just full hot air?  Carefully read 2 Timothy 2:20-26.

It’s time to go BACK TO THE CROSS.  It is when we close our physical eyes (that on a continual basis subconsciously take in so much lust of the world—lust for electronic toys, lust for power, lust for body parts.  Whatever we see, we want it. Oh Lord, help us all!) that our spiritual eyes can see His deep red sustaining blood oozing down that old rugged cross hanging our punctured savior in mid-air for quarter of a darkened day.  Now listen to the cries He made, in treachery and in thirst, He paid the ransom for your life, a living sacrifice . . . all for you.  Do you smell the power in the blood—His life in exchange for yours?
In your mind’s eye, let your right hand reach out and touch that old rugged cross and feel His cold feet in your left.  Look up into His burning eyes and bathe in His forgiving love flowing all over you. 

He is alive now and forevermore, seated at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:2).

Today, it is your turn to pick up that old cross and carry it as a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) demonstrating to the whole wide world that you remember—not the pain or the shame of it—but the victory and the power of the cross to crush that damned old enemy shattering to “stompable” pieces those evil strongholds erected around your revived and freshly enlightened soul.  With the sole of your foot, stomp that treacherous serpent to death—Luke 10:19:

Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 

Go forward, dear Christian – The Cross, your cross, is your crashing power.

 With your opened eyes, take a look at your life from the time you first walked with the Lord Jesus Christ until today, right now.  Have you dropped your cross?  Have you left it at a familiar place, but have gone to a strange place?  Have you rejected your cross for a different kind of lifestyle?  Stop everything right now and go back and get it.  Be fast about it.  Jesus is coming soon!

“And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.  He who finds his life [in the world without Christ] will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.(Matthew 10:38-39, NKJV).

© 2017 by Take My Hand Inspirations, a division of PepParadise Society Ltd.  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Take My Hand Inspirations

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